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  • Canadian Health: V is Viagra

    Traditionally, Viagra comes in form of diamond-shaped blue pills with a “V” on them. Those legendary pills are produced by their original manufacturer Pfizer, whose first patent for sildenafil citrate marketed as Viagra expired in 2013. viagra health

    But the actual fact is that in this day and year Viagra is generically manufactured to quite an expansive degree. Offshore pharmacy companies with reputable and well-established names in their respective countries of origin have long learnt the formula of the blue pill and made Viagra pills available cost-wise for us mortals, not unlike Prometheus bringing fire to the people, heeding not the wrath of gods.

    It is but natural that you might hear every now and then that generic medicines are not legal; these are but rumours spread by the wrathful gods of multinational pharmaceuticals, angling at protecting their investments in the market of sildenafil production.

    The truth is that the substance sildenafil citrate found in Viagra is approved by FDA, and as such is a safe and efficient drug that can be used generically. This is exactly what producers of generic Viagra do. So when you buy cheap Viagra in Canada shipped from an offshore producer you purchase a safe and legal medicine that will help you get back in the saddle just like its ridiculously extravagant counterpart with a tell-tale “V” on it.

    A warning should be slipped though that although the Internet facilitates patient access to medical information and other medical services, certain services offered on the Internet, such as direct selling drugs, bypassing protections normally associated with conventional medical practice.

    The possibility of obtaining prescription drugs via the Internet could lead to an increase in inappropriate use of drugs and the risk of accidents by limiting the ability of physicians to identify the cons-indications, that patients learn about the risks and benefits of drugs and the pharmacists to identify potential drug interactions and inform patients. There are several means by which patients can get on the Internet normally prescription drugs.viagra 100

    First, they can ask direct delivery of their medications after their doctor has provided its prescription by phone or on paper. In this case, neither the visit to the doctor or the pharmacist’s role as an intermediary are challenged.

    Second, patients should contact their physician via the Internet, ask a drug and to send their prescription at the pharmacy. While this approach preserves the railing that is the review of the order by the pharmacist, it bypasses the doctor visit.

    Thirdly, consumers can order drugs directly through the internet without consulting a doctor and without seeing a pharmacist. Because it bypasses both the medical consultation and review of the prescription by a pharmacist, the direct sale of drugs represents the highest risk of potential adverse effects. In this regard you should exert extreme caution and responsibility when you buy Canadian Viagra online. Much depends on your discretion and conformity with the safety rules when using Canadian Health Care Mall Viagra.